Case Studies and Whitepapers

Case Studies and Whitepapers

Tego provides rich, technical content designed to help inform and educate about the latest technology and security solutions. Our whitepapers will explore a variety of topics. Check back often to see the latest content additions. Click the links below to view and request the content.

Protect Critical Data with Microsoft Office 365 Backup
Microsoft Office 365 is a powerful productivity and collaboration application suite that is powering remote work and learning. The reduced infrastructure management overhead associated with moving these core services to the cloud makes them an easy choice for IT management looking to free up engineering resources, but the promise of their simplicity and the understanding that the data is now “in the cloud” can sometimes lead to incorrect assumptions about the resilience and availability of these services and the data they rely on. All organizations need data backup protection, but this is especially true in the public sector.

Navigating a Successful Journey to the Cloud

When leadership calls for a move to a cloud, IT teams have a lot to consider. They’re aware of the benefits cloud can offer in general. But they may not have the cloud expertise to determine the ideal migration strategy for their environment—let alone execute it themselves.

This whitepaper explores how Lacework is an integral part of the cloud journey with Tego. Learn more about the Tego Cloud Readiness Assessment and the benefits of the Lacework platform.


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